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28 Ramadan 1446     28 March 2025

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Appeal Committee


Article (22) of the Supervision of Cooperative Insurance Companies Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/32) dated (02/06/1424H), as amended by Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated (27/05/1434H), stipulated the establishment of the Appeal Committee for resolution of insurance disputes and violations, its tenure of membership and jurisdiction.



An appeal committee shall be formed pursuant to a royal decree and composed of three advisers, working full-time if possible, who are specialized in the jurisprudence of transactions and insurance. The tenure of membership shall be three renewable years.



• Riyadh.



It is responsible for settling grievances submitted by persons concerned against decisions issued by the Primary Committees. It may limit its consideration to examining case decisions with prescribed amount of less than SAR 50,000. The Primary Committee's decisions are final and not subject to grievances.